Recent Speaking Engagements:
AWAR Law Firm Event “Women in the Law: Leveling the Playing Field” – Invited Keynote Speaker.
Western Psychological Association (WPA): Distinguished Speaker Keynote, “Sex and the Office, Problems and Solutions”
Process Driven Trading, “From Wall Street to Academia: What I’ve Learned About Sex and the Office.”
And… Sony Pictures, Southern California Edison, Dress For Success, The Rotman Initiative For Women In Business and more…
Print Media Interviews:
Compensation Bias is Bad For Business, Here’s How To Fix It, MIT Sloan Management, 4/17/2019
When the glass ceiling won’t break The Real Deal Magazine, 1/1/2018
#MeToo No More US News & World Report, 12/4/2017
4 Ways to Curtail Sexual Harassment in the Entertainment Workplace Hollywood Reporter, 10/18/2017
Fear of gossip and scandal may keep women out of top jobs The Times (London) 10/14/17
Harvey Weinstein and the seeming intractability of the ‘open secret’ AirTalk on NPR’s KPCC 10/12/17
Not just Harvey Weinstein: The depressing truth about sexual harassment in America Washington Post 10/12/17
When it’s hard for women to find male mentors The Atlantic 8/22/17
Why do women bully each other at work? The Atlantic 9/2017
It’s not just Mike Pence, Americans are wary of being alone with the opposite sex. New York Times 7/1/17
Mike Pence won’t dine alone with a woman who’s not his wife. Is that sexist? The Los Angeles Times 4/5/17
How Pence’s dudely dinners hurt women The Atlantic 3/30/2017
Barbie breaks the mold with ethnically diverse dolls The Los Angeles Times 1/28/2016
The invisible force holding back women at work Ozy 1/10/2016
How sexual harassment training hurts women The Los Angeles Times 10/9/2015